More Apps button |
One of the most frustrating things about the Android Market is making sure that your app is visible. That is making sure that people can find it and download it.
If you have multiple apps in the Android market, you can use your apps to advertise for your other apps. Doing so is extremely simple.
You can use the following code snippet to open up the Android market to a page that displays all of your available apps.
Intent viewIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse("market://search?q=pub:\"PUBLISHING NAME\"")); startActivity(viewIntent);
Make sure to replace "PUBLISHING NAME" with the name that you publish your apps under, otherwise the search will come up blank.
Although this feature is already built in to the Android Market with the "More Apps by this Publisher" button, adding the link in your App can be helpful. After a user downloads your application, they may never return the App Page in the Android market.
After using your app or game, the user may decide that they like it enough that they want to check out your other products. Adding a button to link them to the Android Market makes this easier for them.